Individual children or young people

A specific child (aged 3 to 17) can be referred by a parent or carer, a school or other professional or organisation. Whilst the work is of its nature serious, it is approached light heartedly and children and young people usually experience the sessions to be enjoyable and fun.

My work with individual children takes one of three forms depending on the individual and their context:

  • Work with the adults around the child. This involves working together to combine your unique knowledge of the child and their context with my expertise, so as to devise effective ways of influencing the interpersonal environment of the young person, giving rise to possibilities for preferred and more useful identities and behaviours.
  • Therapeutic work with the child themselves. This can be done through talking or play depending on their individual needs. The work is integrative, drawing on narrative and person-centred approaches, allowing the child or young person experiential opportunities, in a supportive environment, to explore preferred and more useful identities and ways of behaving.
  • A combination of working with the child or young person while involving the adults around them in a collaborative approach to change. This work is also based in narrative approaches, with the adults around the child or young person playing a role in actively participating in the child’s experience of preferred and more useful identities and ways of behaving.

I welcome your questions and requests no matter how big or small. Please contact me to discuss the needs of a specific child or young person.